Monday, December 29, 2008

Warm Fuzzies.

I made my way back to the Elbow Room last night and my head exploded.

I went to see Joseph Scott Band (The Joseph Scott Band? Joe Scott and his band?), an 8-piece mega ultra super group. Matthew Milia, Davy Jones, Scott Sellwood, Chris Bathgate, Dan Von Erck, just to name a few. Oh, and Joseph Scott. It may have only been five or six songs, but it was an experience to behold. Some of the dudes even had to introduce themselves onstage because they had never met prior.

Mittenfest was pretty effin' sweet. I am sorry you missed it, but chances are, you wouldn't have gotten in anyway. This is where a blogger might complain about something that happened that was small and insignificant. But I can't. I feel full of feelings. Feelings of warm fuzzy happyness. It feels sooooo goooood. Even with a hangover. So good.


DvE said...

i was one of those guys!

The Queen of the Blogosphere and Pizza said...

It was awesome seeing you!!!

Brandon said...


DomestiKatie. said...

i'm married to one of those guys!

Anonymous said...

what up ERCKS!

Anonymous said...

Woo great to know about u DvE..
Nice information...

Thank you very much...

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